1950’s The Command and Death Threat – Results Part XIV

In my last blog, I wrote of being commanded by the land owner, “H”, to set up one of my older sisters to have sex, and if I told anyone he would kill me. I was shocked to the level that I do not remember what I said or done afterward. Thinking back over how […]

1950’s: A Command and Death Threat on My Life: Part XIII

As a reminder from my earlier blogs, my family sharecropped on H’s farm in Lincoln County, Mississippi for 5 years. We were neighbors to Lamar Smith who was gunned down on the Lincoln County courtyard in Brookhaven, Mississippi August 13, 1955. The gunman was never prosecuted. It was very easy for a White person to […]

1950’s, Born and Raised in the Deep South Part XII

The first home I lived in was across the road from our church. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior around ten years of age. A revival was in progress. The church was poorly lit with oil lamps. The minister was preaching a fire and brimstone message, as most did back then. I went […]