1950’s, Born and Raised in the Deep South Part XII

The first home I lived in was across the road from our church. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior around ten years of age. A revival was in progress. The church was poorly lit with oil lamps. The minister was preaching a fire and brimstone message, as most did back then. I went […]

My Story: 1950s, Born and Raised in the Deep South Part XI

As a reminder, most of my childhood and teenage life I lived with my blended family on four different farms. We were sharecroppers. As shared in my last blog, there were some happy times. The second most happy time for me was when the family gathered to pick wild fruits and gather wild nuts on […]

Growing Up Under Racial Segregation in the Deep South: Peaceful Times Part X

I can recall from a child up to age 15, three reoccurring events in which I was the happiest: going to church on Sunday, gathering wild fruits on the farm lands and freedom to roam about. I will write about them in three different blogs. Starting with freedom to roam about. Being the oldest boy […]