Born and Raised under Racial Segregation in the Deep South Part V

As written in previous blogs, my mother’s family were sharecroppers owning nothing but personal belongings. In contrast, my dad’s family, living only eight miles away, owned their land. My mother’s family hired themselves out to other farmers to make money. My dad’s family sold their crops, kept the money and also hired themselves out to […]

Born and Raised Under Racial Segregation in the Deep South Part II

I was born and raised in Lincoln County, Mississippi near a rural community with 2 general stores called Caseyville. My mother was a single parent. My family was sharecroppers who lived in a house on the owners farm. The Lamar Smith family was neighbors. The Smiths own their land as most blacks did in the […]

Born and Raised Under Racial Segregation in the Deep South? My Story Part 1

There are many occurrences in my 78 years when I was the object of racism. There are at least two occurrences that could have cost me my life if I had followed through. I am a quiet, educated, confident black man blessed of God, therefore hard to provoke. I live with dignity and self worth. […]