How fearful were you about visiting your doctor during this pandemic?

As part of my health maintenance, I spent five hours at the clinic each month. In early March, I was the odd one wearing gloves, a face mask, and maintaining social distancing. My primary concern was catching the virus from circulated air. During my visits in April and May, I was less concerned, because I […]

Why is understanding your blood work history important?

If I had been familiar with the basic components of my blood work (such as red blood count and hemoglobin), I may have received an earlier diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. Have you have had a similar occurrence that could be a blessing to someone now or in the future? It is very important for me […]

The Importance of Bloodwork History

I have another question for you. Do you know your bloodwork history? Before getting sick with multiple myeloma, I only kept up with my cholesterol. Now, I watch every component to ensure that there is no sudden change in my health. Overcomer by “Hope”, the confident expectation of good.

Did I Really Hear from God?

A question for you: ” How did you respond when God answered your health related challenge(s)”. Do not have to be health related but God related. PLEASE REPLY. I ended my April 30 blog reminiscing about whether the scripture Joshua 1:9 was from God giving me permission to travel to Uganda on the mission trip […]

What is Wrong with Me?

I accepted Joshua 1:9 as the confirmation from God to make the 14 day missionary trip to Uganda. March 7, 2013 my wife and I accepted the missionary trip to Uganda. April 8, 2013, I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease and had a cardiac cauterization April 10, 2013, three days before my 71st birthday. […]