Did I Really Hear from God?

A question for you: ” How did you respond when God answered your health related challenge(s)”. Do not have to be health related but God related. PLEASE REPLY.

I ended my April 30 blog reminiscing about whether the scripture Joshua 1:9 was from God giving me permission to travel to Uganda on the mission trip with other Gideon International members. ” ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” God knew my health issues were because of the cancer, multiple myeloma. He made sure my coronary arteries problems were taken care of before I went to Uganda and would have been a greater health concern than multiple myeloma.

Now looking back, how did I know that Joshua 1:9 was for me? 1. I prayed in faith hoping for a good outcome. 2. My wife was in agreement with me. 3. My motive agreed with God’s purpose and 4. I did not have any doubt. Of course the outcome agreed with all of above.

Overcomer by hope, the confident expectation of something good.