Born and Raised under Racial Segregation in the Deep South Part IV

Two cultures living in the same area, segregated, but not in isolation. After slavery ended in 1865, white land owners did not have workers to work their farms. African Americans without farm land had to make sharecropper agreements with White farmers to make a living. Cotton was the major crop. The agreement was for the […]

Born and Raised Under Racial Segregation in the Deep South Part III

Born to a single parent, during my preteen years I was blessed to be raised by 4 different family members who instilled in me dignity and self worth. They were my mother, my maternal grandmother and uncle on my mother’s side (same home), my grandmother and grandfather on my father’s side and father and stepmother. […]

Born and Raised Under Racial Segregation in the Deep South Part II

I was born and raised in Lincoln County, Mississippi near a rural community with 2 general stores called Caseyville. My mother was a single parent. My family was sharecroppers who lived in a house on the owners farm. The Lamar Smith family was neighbors. The Smiths own their land as most blacks did in the […]

Born and Raised Under Racial Segregation in the Deep South? My Story Part 1

There are many occurrences in my 78 years when I was the object of racism. There are at least two occurrences that could have cost me my life if I had followed through. I am a quiet, educated, confident black man blessed of God, therefore hard to provoke. I live with dignity and self worth. […]

How fearful were you about visiting your doctor during this pandemic?

As part of my health maintenance, I spent five hours at the clinic each month. In early March, I was the odd one wearing gloves, a face mask, and maintaining social distancing. My primary concern was catching the virus from circulated air. During my visits in April and May, I was less concerned, because I […]

Why is understanding your blood work history important?

If I had been familiar with the basic components of my blood work (such as red blood count and hemoglobin), I may have received an earlier diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. Have you have had a similar occurrence that could be a blessing to someone now or in the future? It is very important for me […]

The Importance of Bloodwork History

I have another question for you. Do you know your bloodwork history? Before getting sick with multiple myeloma, I only kept up with my cholesterol. Now, I watch every component to ensure that there is no sudden change in my health. Overcomer by “Hope”, the confident expectation of good.

Did I Really Hear from God?

A question for you: ” How did you respond when God answered your health related challenge(s)”. Do not have to be health related but God related. PLEASE REPLY. I ended my April 30 blog reminiscing about whether the scripture Joshua 1:9 was from God giving me permission to travel to Uganda on the mission trip […]

What is Wrong with Me?

I accepted Joshua 1:9 as the confirmation from God to make the 14 day missionary trip to Uganda. March 7, 2013 my wife and I accepted the missionary trip to Uganda. April 8, 2013, I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease and had a cardiac cauterization April 10, 2013, three days before my 71st birthday. […]