Self Diagnosing

When walking briskly and when climbing steep inclines and during repetitive exercises, in 2013, I continued to experience fatique. I also, continued to diagnose my health issues as age related. After all, I was 71 years old, and only a few of my relatives, men, had surpassed that age. But, I thought I was in good shape with the appearance of a 50 year old man.

In February of 2013, I was asked by the Gideons International’s to travel, along with 23 other men, to Uganda on a mission trip. The trip was to take place in September of 2013 and the preparation was paperwork and required vaccinations. My physician suggested that I take a stress test. My thoughts were that I was in good shape and would not have any problems walking through the villages and climbing the hills carrying a box of Bibles on my back. I could hardly make it through my stress test. What I called acid reflux, turned out to be atherosclerosis requiring two heart stents. One artery was 95 percent blocked. God used my physician to protect me from a heart attack.

Overcomer by “Hope“, confident expectation of good